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Wylie and Helene
Hitching Across Tibet

I am the Walrus

Drigung Chu - Tibet

Dechong Hot Springs

These sacred springs are located a full day's travel from Lhasa and offer a fascinating glimpse into the homage Tibetans pay to natural wonders. The trip follows along the Lhasa river towards its source. The river valley is mostly a broad gravel plain.

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Ces sources d'eau chaude sacrees sont situees a une bonne journee de voiture de Lhassa et offrent la chance d'assister a l'hommage que portent les Tibetains envers les merveilles naturelles que parsement leur territoire. Nous avons suivi la riviere Lhassa jusqu'a ses sources.

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Thrashing Barley

Harvest Time

It was harvest season and all hands were in the fields cutting, drying, stacking, thrashing and winnowing the mainstay of Tibetan life, barley. The reddish grains would later be roasted and then milled into flour, much of it by ancient water powered millstones.

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C'etait la saison des moissons, tous etaient dans les champs occupes a la recolte de l'orge, le seul grain qui pousse dans cette region du monde et par consequent la base de leur alimentation. Tout est fait sans mechanisation. On fait pietinner la recolte par les yaks et ainsi separe la paille du grain. Une fois cette etape terminee, on moud le tout grace a des moulins a eau.

Home on the Range


The final product is called Tsampa and is eaten daily by most Tibetans. The flour is usually mixed with yak butter tea or with the mildly alcoholic Chang (fermented barley water) to form small dough balls which are then popped into the mouth and eaten raw. Tsampa is a dense flour that is often packed into small saddle bags. Since it has been roasted has a long shelf life. It fits well with the traditionally nomadic life of the Tibetan people.

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Le produit final est le Tsampa que les Tibetains mangent de facon journaliere. La farine est habituellement melangee a du beurre de yak, du the, du sel ou du sucre et de l'eau. Ils forment des petites mottes avec le tout qu'ils mangent ainsi sans cuisson. Ils grillent le grain ce qui permet sa longue conversation. Les nomades ne s'eloignent jamais de leur tente sans une bonne provision de tsampa avec eux. C'est vraimant nutritif et soutient son homme des heures durant, un peu a la maniere du gruau, la bonne "soupane" de grand-maman.

Tidrum Nunnery

The hot springs lie at the base of the Tidrum Nunnery, set in the upper reaches of a small valley. There is a cluster of attendant homes and guesthouses. We stayed for three nights in one of the small houses up the valley to the right. Other than a western tourist bus that stopped for a quick photo foray, almost all of the "tourists" were Tibetan.

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Les sources Thermales se trouvent aux pieds d'un couvent au milieu d'un village qui a trouve refuge dans de belles petites vallees. On y est reste trois nuits durant dans une petite maison Tibetaine. La plupart des touristes qui y venaient etaient Tibetains.

Healing Waters

The spring water is carbonated and bubbles up in wonderful pools that are warm and soothing. Deposits from the springs have formed a 20-meter high dam across the valley. The adjacent river burrows through a mystical looking cave. The springs are renowned for their medicinal qualities and there was even a submerged stone to rub your belly on for "good medicine".

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L'eau y est carbonisee et ses depots ont forme un veritable barrage de 20 metres de haut qui traverse la vallee. Cette eau thermique est reconnue pour ses vertues medicinales. Les gens se frottent le ventre sur une pierre sous l'eau afin de se guerir d'un mal quelconque qui les afflige.

Earning Merit

We saw folks that were old and frail, blind and even a woman with a broken wrist seeking solace from the thermal waters. Praying at the monastery and hours circling a large Chorten helped to earn merit.

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Nous avons rencontre plusieurs gens ages, un peu faibles et meme une femme qui s'etait cassee le poignet y venir se traiter aux eaux thermales. Ils-Elle priaient pendant des heures au monastere et faisaient plusieurs fois le tour de ce grand chorten afin d'y acquerir un peu plus de chance, cote sante.

Standing Waves

While soaking in one of the pools one evening I had the sensation that I and the others soaking with me were part of a standing wave pattern. Each of us arising from a common sea of impulses. Impulses from everything that had preceded us, our own present vibrations and the expectation of what shall come.

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De m'y baigner avec les autres Tibetaines, me rapprochait d'elles d'une certaine facon. Il n'y a rien comme d'etre toutes nues pour s'apercevoir qu'on est de la meme grande famille humaine. Qu'une fois le voile tombe, nous avons beaucoup plus de similitudes qui nous rassemblent que de differences qui nous separent.

An incredible sense of brotherhood and interchangeability suffused my being. Given the common source of our mindsets I could see all the antics, curiosity, pain and abstraction of those that surrounded me as possible aspects of myself. I thought of the murals of village life painted on walls of the assembly halls at the Gompas: each of the characters an aspect of myself and I of them.

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Certaines me rappelaient un membre de famille ou une connaissance. J'avais l'impression que l'eau nous reliait les unes aux autres et qu'ainsi un veritable lien fraternel nous unissait, ne serait-ce que pour l'instant d'une baignade.

The Grace of God

"There by the grace of God go I". Not in the sense that the grace of God has spared me from the pathetic lives of the others.

Instead, in the sense that the grace of God allowed me to see myself, "go I", in all the animate, and to some degree the inanimate, that I beheld.

This kind of feeling happens to me every now and then. One time was in Cambodia.

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Ca faisait du bien de me retrouer sur le meme pied d'egalite avec mes consoeurs Tibetaines. On se fait si souvent regarder et pointet du doigt. Certains sont charmants mais d'autres plutot degradants envers nous. Sans vetement, on est tous les memes.

Nomads Selling Their Goats by the Roadside

Free Knife Wounds!

On our way back to Lhasa we were dropped in a small town between rides. I successfully negotiated a visit to one of the public toilets, but upon exiting the attendant wanted 5 Yuan in payment. As this is about 60 American cents and the customary payment is about 3 cents, I told him he was crazy and walked off. He followed me and demanded that I pay up. I asked again how much and he told me it was now only 50 cents. I told him to go to hell. At that point he drew a knife and started towards me. Fortunately some of the local merchants were watching and took hold of him. Helene and I made a quick departure. In the end my toilet visit cost me nothing but it almost cost me a lot.

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Sur notre chemin de retour, Christopher a ete force de visiter une toilette publique d'une petite ville. Le gardien de la toilette voulait le faire payer 60 cents Americains pour les services de nettoyage tout a fait inexistants bien sur. Christopher a refuse de payer cette somme tout a fait exhorbitante pour le Tibet. La conversation a commence a s'echauffer jusqu'a ce que le gardien un peu saoul ne decide de sortir son long couteau de sa ceinture. Un autre Tibtain s'est immediatement interjecte. Finalement il n'en a rien coute a Christopher, mais il a bien failli y perdre beaucoup.

I am you and you are me.
We are one and we are all together.

I'm Flyyyyy.... I'm Flying

The Late Great Tibet
  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Hitching Across Tibet - Intro Average Rating of 42 Viewers
Chapters of Hitching Across Tibet
  Kashgar to Aksay Qin
  Aksay Qin to Ali
  Tirthapuri Hot Springs
  Mount Kailash - Insurance
  Mount Kailash - Death
  Mount Kailash - Rebirth
  On To Lhasa
  Pellerins / Pilgrims
  I am the Walrus
  The Late Great Tibet
  To the Valley Below


Happy Trails to You

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