Description and List of Journals
We are both very fond of other cultures. We like the people, the food and their customs. The more remote the better.
Here are the different Journals...
Being the world weary traveler that I am, I needed something out of the ordinary to peak these jaded senses. Cambodia did not fail me.
It is a city, perhaps like Durell's "Alexandria", perhaps like New Orleans, perhaps like Beirut (in its darkest
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The Green River has its headwaters high along the western flank of the Wind River Range in western Wyoming. It flows south, through Flaming Gorge, into Utah. 40 miles later it enters the NW corner of Colorado. Here it passes into the Dinosaur National
Alvord Desert
28 May 1999
30 May 1999

Last Updated
27 Aug 1999
The Alvord Desert lies in the SW corner of Oregon.
This Alvord Salt Lake is only a few muddy feet deep. There are hot springs seeps and some bath houses in the marshes pictured above.
The lake is surrounded by a larger dry lake bed that
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We're heading off for a 5 day trip into the backcountry. I, Wylie, will be travelling with my two nephews, Brad (age 13) and David (age 10).
We will be travelling around the Island in the Sky district on the White Rim Road. The Island in the Sky is
Mon drapeau et celui de plus de 7 millions d`autres venus de partout mais surtout de la France. Nous sommes partis visiter la Gaspésie, Montréal, la famille et les amis(e).
My flag and the one of more than 7 millions people who came here from all
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11 Jul 1999
17 Jul 1999

Last Updated
26 Sep 2001
Everything they say about Paris is true. It is a city of such size and grandeur that somewhere at sometime what you’ve heard about is going to happen.
I find the French, above all, a civil and cultivated people. To them all I say “merci” for a
Qui est cette ville qui a fait du Mannequin Piss son pseudo-embleme?
Who's that city that has made the Mannequin Piss its embleme.
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22 Jul 1999
25 Jul 1999

Last Updated
27 Aug 1999
Amterdam est belle. Elle a son propre style. Elle suit les regles de fermeture des musees comme pas une. C'est sans doute afin de pouvoir se la couler douce dans le red light district au plus vite.
6 Aug 1999
25 Aug 1999

Last Updated
9 Jan 2000
Yugoslavia is a land enchanted and entangled: Love and Hate; Tranquile and Anxious. An intelligent, industrious and polite people sometimes swept into passions beyond their control or understanding.
The history of the Balkans is like a pungent onion.
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25 Aug 1999
19 Sep 1999

Last Updated
6 Jun 2000
Helene and I spent a month roaming the hills of Romania. First we checked out the medival towns of Transylvania. Then we hiked the back country of Iza Valley, on the northern border by Ukraine.
20 Sep 1999
9 Oct 1999

Last Updated
7 Oct 2001
Bulgaria as a lot to offer any travellers in terms of scenery. From its orthodox beaches of the Black Sea to its high mountains of the muslim Rodopi villages. Bulgaria seemed richer than Romania even though its economy is still struggling and doesn't
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Turquie est un pays qui fascine. De ses ruines les plus connues(Troie, Ephese) jusqu'a ses incroyables plages au milieu de villages musulsmans. La Turquie est un pays qui a su maintenir son independance malgre de fortes pressions faites par les
Cape Town
26 Oct 1999
29 Feb 2000

Last Updated
6 Feb 2001
Cape Town is a fantastic place. Located at the southern tip of Africa, it has long been a melting pot of African, Western and Eastern peoples. Today most religions and cultures are represented here. People of all races walk the streets and there is an
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The 1999 Parliament was one of the greatest gatherings of the world’s religious and spiritual traditions in history. Hundreds of leaders from around the world convened to explore the convictions, values, and concerns that they shared while still
South Africa
1 Mar 2000
4 May 2000

Last Updated
28 Oct 2001
South Africa has captured our imaginations and curiosity. Its rich culture, people and geography has nothing to envy any country.
Nous voila enfin de retour avec GypsyJournal avec plus de photos and histoires a raconter. L'Afrique du Sud nous a
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The Baz Bus
1 Mar 2000
20 Apr 2000

Last Updated
11 Oct 2004
The Baz Bus is a great way to get around Southern Africa. It has a "Hop On, Hop Off" policy that really works for those not on a fixed time schedule.
Basically you buy one ticket that will cover the area you are interested in and get on or off the
Hogsback is a village, a mountain and a misty paradise of exotic trees, birds, monkeys and countless waterfalls. J. R. R. Tolkein spent part of his childhood here and folks say the often misty mountain trails provided inspiration for the Hobbit and Lord
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Coffee Bay lies along the Wild Coast. An area named not only for its incredible scenery where nature prevails, but also for its way of life. This area is the former Transkei Homeland, which was an independent territory during the years of Apartheid.
Known as the "Mountain Kingdom", Lesotho is a small country entirely surrounded by South Africa. It sits on a high plateau, with a dramatic escaprment forming its northeast border. This escaprment forms the Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains). From over
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20 Apr 2000
1 May 2000

Last Updated
2 May 2000
Un pays en presque guerre civile, une population qui s'appauvrit continuellement, un passe entache de colonialisme et un futur plutot obscure. Les vendeurs de souvenirs preferent echanger leurs produits contre des denrees plus rares comme du papier, des
5 May 2000
31 May 2000

Last Updated
18 Jul 2000
Je ne voulais pas sortir de l'Afrique. Meme l'Egypte ne me disait rien. Jusqu'a ce que j'y mette les pieds...
I couldn't resign myself to leave Africa. Even Egypt seemed bleak in comparison. That was only until I set foot on its soil...
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Our visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg was interesting, provocative and pleasurable. The tumultuous spring weather brought out many moods in these complex cities. The weather also seemed to reflect Russia’s fitful transition to a market economy, or
14 Jun 2000
26 Jun 2000

Last Updated
18 Jul 2000
Uzbekistan is home to many of the cities associated with the Silk Road, Bukara and Samarkand amongst them. The country is mostly desert. To the west is more desert in Turkmenistan. To the north is more desert in Kazakhstan. To the east and south are
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26 Jun 2000
21 Aug 2000

Last Updated
24 Aug 2000
If you like generous people, fresh food and water, beautiful mountains, rural life and adventure, Krygyzstan is the place for you. The average height of this country is over 2500 meters and it breeds a hearty and fun loving people.
South of
We hitched 3000 kilometers from Kashgar to Lhasa across western Tibet. One the way we crossed plateaus that exceeded 5000 meters and made a circumambulation, or Kora, around Mount Kailash.
Before we left Kashgar we meet Janne and Hugo, intrepid
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We're not in Kansas anymore.
Things are heating up, getting emotional and deities are crawling out of the woodwork. We're heading into the sub-continent. First stop Nepal.
* * *
Il fait plus chaud, les odeurs montent de
Kumbh Mela
21 Jan 2001
30 Jan 2001

Last Updated
4 Nov 2016
Billed as the "largest gathering of humanity in history" the great Kumbh Mela was many things to many people. Traders came to ply their wares, tourists came to ogle, Gurus came to tend their flocks and pilgrims, millions and millions of pilgrims, came
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India is an amazing place. Everyone who visits is allured, tested, worn down and finally informed. Some lessons come easier than others. Some people put up less resistance. But in the end, India keeps on doing what it’s always been doing, you are the