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Wylie and Helene
Cape Town

Our Jobs

Cape Town , Western Cape - South Africa


Helene has had some real adventures working at a Kurdish restaurant. She’s unionizing the kitchen staff and trying to keep order in a place where drunk patrons sometimes fall out of the windows!

She wants to get her massage business going but has been too busy to hand out her flyers!

Mets-en! Je travaille dans un restaurant Kurd ou l'organisation n'a comme rival qu'un enfant de moins de 5 ans. Les salaires sont a peine mieux que ce que les mendiants peuvent receuillir et moi je m'imagine que je peux y changer quelque chose... En fait je suis heureuse de partager mon salaire avec les cuisinieres qui demeurent victimes d'un systeme qui n'existe plus; l'apartheid. Elles vont tres bientot se syndicalisee et je suis fiere d'avoir aide leurs quotisations! (Ici se trouve un petit rire mesquin) Vous me voyez donc ici peu apres mon arrivee d'une longue nuit de travail comme serveuse. Pourquoi j'y travaille? Bonne question.


I'm working part time for an Internet Service Provider in Cape Town. I'm building a type of web site for South African businesses. Its called Info3000.

The boss is a madman that rants and raves and kicks holes in the wall. Rumor has it that he once shook a woman by her ankles out a second story window! He’s got a soft purring voice when he talks with me though, and they provided me with a home computer as part of my compensation package so that I can save the world in my spare time.

Another job that was real fun was for a backpacker hostel guide called "Coast to Coast". It is the most popular guide for backpackers in South Africa. The name of the web site I developed is called

Take a look at the On the Road section. It chronicles some of the sites we visited in South Africa. You will see that it is basically just a "wrapped" Gypsy Journal.

Christopher n'est pas plus chanceux en terme de conditions de travail. Son employeur aiment crier et defoncer les murs avec ses poings et ses pieds. Une rumeur court a son travail, que son employeur aurait, dans le passe, renverse et brasse une de ses employee par les chevilles en dehors d'une fenetre du deuxieme etage de son edifice.

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  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Cape Town - Intro Average Rating of 9 Viewers
Chapters of Cape Town
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  Our Jobs
  The Art Scene
  Parliament of World's Religions
  The Dalai Lama
  Summer Solstice - The Hike
  Summer Solstice - The Camp Out
  Garden Route-Nature's Valley
  Shanty Towns
  Ostrich Rodeo
  New-Year's Eve
  Les Pinguoins
  Cape of Good Hope
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