In preparation for the Kings birthday, many people gather in a large open grassy area called Sanam Luang in the heart of the Old City. I joined Dan, Derek, Toey and Koi for some roaming of the well decorated street. People showed up by the thousands to celebrate, relax enjoy and purchase 3 lighters for 10 baht from roadside vendors.
I met an old friend and we went to a large club named dance fever. Usually the cover involves a purchase of a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label, but this time an aging Chinese man was to meet us at the door and whisk us through the doormen, ticket takers, and baggage checkers. It's the code of dance club culture, the fact that some people are above the rules that govern the norm. For the host, he gains merit from ever side. The invites are obviously grateful to move into "above the law" status. Onlookers are immediately aware of a figure who has the authority to summon guests at will.