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Trekking in Nepal



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Rien comme les ponts suspendus, en pleine foret tropicale pour se trouver soudainement pris dans un bouchon de traffic. Face a face avec un, ou plusieurs dizaines d’anes, transportant chacun des dizaines de kilogrammes de denrees de toute sorte. Ils sont utilises comme moyen de transport reliant les nombreux villages et distribuant les necessites de la vie moderne; papier de toilette, bouteille de biere, gaz, coca-cola ou encore des poulets!

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Nothing like a suspended bridge to be stuck in traffic jam. A few dozen donkeys competing with us for the right to pass. They all carry way too many kilograms of all sorts of goods. They are the only hope of any restocking of the many shops carrying all the new necessities of modern age: toilet paper, beer bottles, gas, coca-cola and of course chickens!

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La plupart des Nepalais doivent se payer des dizaines de kilometers de marche pour se procurer certains fruits et legumes ou encore un nouveau vetement. C’est dans ces conditions que Christopher a pu vendre tous ses vetements chauds, sur notre chemin de retour vers les forets tropicales, a une jeune Tibetaine qui n’avait aucune intention de se tapper les quatre jours de marche necessaires a l’achat de vetements chauds, a l’auree de l’hiver.

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Most Nepalese must walk for a dozen kilometers to purchase a few apples or some warm clothes. That is how Wylie ended up selling all his warm clothes before he had even left the mountains. A Tibetan woman was not about to walk the necessary four days just to buy herself some warm clothes for the coming of winter.

Water Mill

L’electricite continue de tenir une place d’ordre quasi divine, dans les villages. A Pisang, notre hotesse, fit une priere en se prosternant devant son ampoule qui soudainement emanait cette lumiere tant esperee et si rarement presente.

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Electricity has retained somewhat of its almost divine fascination around Nepal. In Pisang, our hostess was quick to bow and pray to her lamp bulb, when it suddenly was emanating light, which is so hoped for, and so rarely happening.

Si nos fermiers s’imaginaient avoir la vie difficile, que diraient-ils de la cultivation de leur terre tout au long de l’annee, de l’absence de tracteur ou de charrue.

Ils cultivent les flancs tres escarpes des montagnes. Tout se fait a la main et se transporte sur le dos. De veritable homme-fourmis a demi-penches sous le poids d’une montagne de foin.

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Our farmers may think they have it hard, but how about growing crops all year around, without tractors or any sort of wheel supported vehicle?

Having to harvest steep slopes, everything must be done by hand. They transform themselves into ants to carry mountains of hay to their flocks.

La splendeur des montagnes qu’ils habitent est bien refletee dans la minutie qu’ils consacrent a la decoration de leurs demeures.

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They still find time to decorate their home with the most amazing details. They must be inspired by the beauty that surrounds them.

Et Voila !!!

Gompa Erection
  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Trekking in Nepal - Intro Average Rating of 8 Viewers
Chapters of Trekking in Nepal
  Hunting the Mountains
  Finding Ourselves
  Meeting With Nepalese
  Gompa Erection


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