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Belgrade - Serbia

Belgrade a 40 degre celsius

Belgrade et son histoire

Belgrade se situe au point de rencontre de deux rivieres: le Danube et la Sava. La ville fut reconstruite quarante fois au cours des 2300 annees de son histoire.

Belgrade is at the meeting point of two rivers: the Danube et Sava. The city was rebuilt forty times in the last 2300 years of its history.

Des edifices impressionants

L'empire Autro-Hongrois

Voici un bel exemple de l'influence qu'a eu l'Empire Austro-Hongrois sur cette region du monde.

Here we can see the influencial role of the Austro-Hungarian empire on the architecture of the area.

NATO's bombing results

Le bombardement de NATO

Le centre-ville de Belgrade a eu plusieurs de ses edifices gouvernementaux bombardes, comme celui-ci. Heureusement, les bombardements furent tres precis ici, ce qui ne fut pas le cas partout ailleurs en Serbie. La Serbie(Yougoslavia) est consideree comme un etat policier. Ses citoyens racontent meme qu'il y a un policier pour 10 citoyens, ce qui est facile a croire lorsqu'on marche dans le centre ville de Belgrade.

Downtown Belgrade is filled with these governement bombed buildings. Luckily the bombing was very precise here in Belgrade. Other places didn't have that chance. Serbia is a police state. Its people like to say that there is 1 policeman for 10 citizens. Walking in belgrade makes you believe it.

Audio Link  Click for Audio - 147 K  Audio Link
We lived under the Turks for 5oo years and don't..


Vukan est le fils de Mikki. A l'age de 18 ans(200$/month) il fait plus d'argent en vendant des cartes postales d'edifices bombardes par NATO aux touristes, que sa mere(40$/month) en tant que juge. Les gens font juste assez pour se nourrir, se vetir et encore. A cause de l'inflation des annees 90, les placements d'argents ont ete perdus.

Les jeunes en ont assez de cette situation. Ils ont grandi durant l'instabilite politique de leur pays. Il n'en ont rien a foutre du nationalisme. Ils veulent la paix.

Miloche, un jeune Serbe m'a demande de vous dire que les Serbes sont de bonnes personnes. Ils n'aiment pas tuer et ils sont contre les actes commis par Milosevic, mais la democratie de ce coin du monde n'est pas exactement comme celle de l'Ouest. Sa petite amie a ajoute qu'elle a pleure lorsqu'elle a entendu la description faite par la BBC de ses confreres et consoeurs Serbes.

J'aimerais ici ajouter qu'en visitant la Serbie, je me suis rendue compte que presque tout le monde possede une television qui diffuse les nouvelles internationales de la BBC et SKY NEWS. Durant les bombardements les Serbes n'etaient pas sans savoir ce que l'Ouest pensait du conflit, mais plutot nous qui n'avions aucune idee de ce qu'ils pensaient. Alors, ou se trouve la propagande? Ou se trouve la censure? Un jeune Serbe nous expliquait a quel point il a essaye de contacter SKY NEWS afin de donner son opinion sur les evenements, sans obtenir de temps d'antenne.

Un Australien a ete arrete en Serbie car il a passe la frontiere de facon illegale et est accuse d'espionnage. Selon nos contacts politiques, il serait veritablement un espion. Sur la BBC, on ne donne jamais cette version??? En bref, soyez vigilants et vive l'internet.

Le video reflete l'opinion de Vukan: "Nous avons vecu pendant plus de 500 ans sous la tutele des Turks et nous nous ne sommes jamais plaints, parce que nous avons un probleme biologique dans notre cerveau."


Vukan is the son of Mikki. At 18 years of age he is making more money selling postcards(US200$/month) of bombarded buildings to tourists than his mother as a judge(US40.00/month). People earn just enough money to eat and pay their bills, if they are lucky. The high inflation of the 90's has taken care of most savings.

The youth is pretty discusted with the present situation. Most of them talk of leaving the country. The only problem is no country wants them. They feel trapped and misunderstood by the world. They don't care about nationalism, they want peace above all.

Miloche, a young Serb asked me to tell the people of my country that they are nice people. He wants the world to know that his people are not savage. His girlfriend told me that while watching the BBC news during the bombing she couldn't stop crying at the way they were describing her people. By the way I have never encountered more generous people than the Serbs. They share all they have and don't have. It really puts all of us(western world) to shame.

I would like to add that it isn't true that Yugoslavs don't get news from the outside world. Every Serb I met had a television on which the BBC news was broadcasted. They knew NATO's perspective during the bombing. Where was the propaganda coming from? We were the ones with only one side of the story.

It is outrageaous to hear the news of the BBC while in Serbia. One reporter was telling a very sad story that supposedly no one in Serbia would ever hear because of the pseudo inexistence of broadcast foreign media. Meanwhile, they forget to tell that the bombing has caused shortage of electricity, food and petroleum. People worry a lot about the winter to come.

The video reflets Vukan's perspective:"We lived for 500 hundred years under Turks and never complained because of biological malfunction in the brain."

Danica and Olga
Demonstation in Belgrade
  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Serbia - Intro Average Rating of 20 Viewers
Chapters of Serbia
  Sketchy or Dodgy?
  Broken Dreams
  Demonstration in Novi Sad
  Bela Crykva
  Flaner a Novi Sad
  Marriages a l'hotel de ville
  Danica and Olga
  Demonstation in Belgrade
  Jan and Nevena
  Balkan Boys
  Balkan Girls
  Balkan Sexuality
  News Blackout
  We are Kosovo
  Closing Thoughts


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