Wylie and Helene Serbia |
Bela Crykva
Plage a seulement 8km de la frontiere roumaniene.
Beach at only 8 km of the Roumanian border.
Beautifull city made of lakes and mountains.
Des gens merveilleux
Mikki travaille comme psychologue au pres des enfants victimes de la guerre. Le reste du temps, il travaille dans sa distillerie de shnapps privee. "MMMh shnapps", est son expression favorite.
Mikki works as a psychologist for traumatised children. The rest of his time is spent in his private, almost industrial size, Schnapps' distillery. "MMMh shnapps" is one of is favorite expression
Nina, odlichnau!
Nina, 81 ans est la belle mere de Mikki
Nina nous a cuisine tous nos repas pendant deux jours. La nourriture etait delicieuse. C'est ainsi que nous avons appris qu'"odlichnau" signifie excellent en serbe.
Being with Gerd allowed us to meet and be the guests of wonderfull people like Mikki and Nina. Nina is Mikki's mother in law and cooked all of our meals for two days. She says in the video:"I am glad that you came and that we met."
Mmmh odlichnau!
Fish, Serbian salsa, potatoe salad...