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Kirsten K. Kester
South Africa


Friday - 28 Jan 2000
Kalahari , Nothern Cape - South Africa

Lion eating a Gemsbok

The lioness' feast

This is one of the two female lion that we spotted in Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Actually they were not at all hard to spot. They were less than 4 meters away from the road. The'd killed a Gemsbok and were having a feast!

Normally it can be prety dangerous for the lions to attack a Gemsbok. The long horns of the Gemsbok is not only for the pretty sight, but they are using them to protect them selves against preditors. One of the liones had a bad cut down the side, probably from the gemsbok it was eating.


Dette er én af de to hunløver vi fik øje på i Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Faktisk var De ikke så svære at få øje på. De var mindre end 4 meter væk fra vejen, hvor vi kom kørende. De havde dræbt en Gemsbok og fik et mindre fest måltid.

Normalt kan det være temmeligt farligt for løven, at angribe en Gemsbok. De lange horn Gemsbokken så prægtigt bærer rundt på, er ikke kun til pynt. De bruger dem rent faktisk til at forsvare sig med. Èn af Gemsbokkene havde en slem flænge ned fra ryggen, muligvis stammede den fra Gemsbokken De var i færd med, at spise.


Relaxing in the shade after dinner.

Most hunting is undertaken by the lionesses but males usually take priority when feeding at a kill.


Der bliver slappet af i skyggen efter middagen.

Oftest er det hun løven, der jager føden og han løven der har første prioritet, når der skal ædes.

You can still see the blood around the mouth

After I'd seen the lioness eating of the Gemsbok, I thought about that I wasn't disgusted at all. If I had seen the eating on tv. I might have felt petty for the Gemsbok or wrinkeled my nose at the blood, but here it was fine! I guess it was OK. 'cause it was real stuff.... The lion needs to kill to survive - And vica verca, it's naturel......!!


Efter jeg havde set løven æde Gemsbokken, tænkte jeg at det slet ikke var så væmmeligt endda. Havde jeg set det i en dyre udsendelse i tv. hjemme i Danmark, havde jeg sikkert haft frygteligt ondt af Gemsbokken eller rynket på næsen af blodet, men hér var det helt fint for mig! Måske fordi at dette var den oprigtige virkelighed...... Løven er nødt til at slå ihjel for, at overleve - Og det ER jo en naturlig ting........!!

A jackal and a vulture sneaking around, waiting for the lions to finish eating.


En jakal og en grib snuser rundt. Jeg tror De venter på de sørgelige rester, når løverne er færdige.

Grazing gemsboks

Some of my favorite animals in Kalahari are the gemsboks also called Oryx. They are really beautiful! The faces of the gemsboks are like a painted mask, very nice and accurate drawings.

An amazing thing about the gemsboks is that they can go through a whole life without any water, only depending on the juice from the grass or the fruits they are eating.


Nogle af mine favorit dyr i Kalahari er Gemsbokken. De er noget af det smukkeste! Deres ansigter er som en maske, meget kønne og korrekte tegninger.

En utrolig ting er at "gemsbokken" rent faktisk kan leve et helt liv uden, at drikke vand og kun nøjes med saften fra græsset og frugterne de spiser.

Sometimes referred to as the "greyhound of cats", being the fastest of these, with its slender body and long legs. The head is small, with a short muzzle and a clear black line (the `tearline`) running from the inner corner of each eye to the corner of the mouth. The average male weigh 60 kg and have a shoulder height of 80 cm.

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