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Closing Thoughts

Tashkent - Uzbekistan

Russia has controlled most of Central Asia since the 1800s. Even thought their rule was at times liberating, it was usually harsh and attempts were made early on to suppress the local culture and allegiances.

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Cette partie de l'Asie Centrale fut sous le joug Russe depuis le 19eme siecle. Avec l'arrivee sovietique, la culture et les allegeances locales se sont vues supprimees.

When Stalin redrew the political boundaries early in the 20th century, he did his best to “divide and conquer”. Geographic boundaries were ignored to split intact ethnic groups into different countries and thereby weaken their coherence.

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Staline a retrace les frontieres geo-politiques en s'assurant de diviser pour mieux regner. Il a choisi d'ignorer d'anciennes frontieres geographiques afin de mieux separer certains groupes ethniques en de multiples pays.

For example, the Fergana valley held a large group of Uzbek people. It is now split into 3 different countries, with Uzbekistan assigned the valley floor. All major roads, rail lines and even the river out of the valley pass through either Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan.

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Par example, la vallee de Fergana etait le berceau d'un large groupement Uzbek. Aujourd'hui cette vallee est divisee en trois pays differents: le Kyrgyzstan, l'Uzbekistan et le Tajikistan.

Petty arguments have started in the last few years. One country bars the traditionally free passage through its territory. The visa free status between the CIS citizens is being revoked. Some ancient animosities and prejudices are coming to the surface. Big Brother Russia will have its hands full to keep everybody happy.

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Des chicanes de voisinage ont commence a faire surface entre ces pays. L'un peut barre l'acces a une route qui traverse une partie de son territoire alors que l'autre requiert des visas couteux afin d'y voyager. Des querelles ethniques refont surface maintenant que le Grand frere Russie n'est plus la pour forcer bonne entente.

Neighboring Afghanistan is a hotbed for Islamic Militantism and there are constant drug busts and skirmishes along the border.

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De plus, il y a Afghanistan qui menace d'infiltrer son militantisme musulman...

If you would like some assistance with Visa Invitations we can recommend SportTur, They can also set you up with train tickets, an apartment and even a dacha in the countryside.

New Day, Same Boss
Heaven's Gate
  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Uzbekistan - Intro Average Rating of 12 Viewers
Chapters of Uzbekistan
  The Silk Road
  From Russia with Love
  New Day, Same Boss
  Closing Thoughts
  Heaven's Gate


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