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From Russia with Love

Tashkent - Uzbekistan

I asked one man how he felt towards the Russians who still live in Uzbekistan. He pointed out that Stalin was not a Russian, he was from Georgia. In addition most atrocities and “disappearances” were usually the work of local party members, whether Russians or not.

Christopher a demande a un Uzbek, s’il en voulait aux Russes qui continuent de vivre au Uzbekistan. Sa reponse fut des plus interessantes. Il nous a rappele que Staline venait de Georgie et Brejnev du Kazakstan. Qu’il y avait une difference entre un Russe et un membre du parti sovietique. La plupart des atrocites ont ete commise par ces derniers souvent avec des origines locales et non pas necessairement d'’rigine russe.

There was in a sense, a fabricated “Soviet” citizen, one who stepped from the ranks of any region or cultural background. This ideal Soviet citizen was free from religious or cultural baggage.

Le veritable citoyen sovietique n’avait pas de religion ni d’heritage culturel.

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In the end the Russians were no more complicit than any other ethnic group. And history has shown that they suffered as well during the Stalinist purges.

Somme toute, les Russes ont autant souffert et profite du Regime sovietique que les autres nations de l’ex-Empire. Les crimes commis par Staline en sont bien la preuve.

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  The Silk Road
  From Russia with Love
  New Day, Same Boss
  Closing Thoughts
  Heaven's Gate


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