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Wylie and Helene
South Africa

Safari 1

South Africa


We were driving through a big Elephant Park, but were still suprised when a big gang came by our car and started bathing themselves in a little pond. One of them walked so close to us that a certain amount of fear added to the excitement.

On se balladait en voiture dans un enorme pard pour elephants, lorsque on a appercu un groupe tout pres de nous occupe a de laver dans un etang. L'un d'entre-eux est venu si pres de notr auto qu'une certaine dose de peur s'est emparee de nous.

Big Baby

Elephants are simply intriguing. They're suppose to be very difficult to trap and they will pursue their attacker to death. People say that elephants never forget. There are many examples of that in Kruger. Elephants never forget a man/woman that hurt them and will repetitivly chase them. The bond between mother and child last a whole life time...

Les elephants m'intriguent beaucoup. On dit qu'il est presqu'impossible de les embusquer a moins d'etre en possession d'un fusil. Ils/elles sont reconnus pour avoir une memoire infaillible et n'oublie jamais un humain qui tue un membre de leur clan. A bond between a calf and its mother lasts a life time...


Mon deuxieme Zebra. Ces animaux peuvent vivre en troupeaux de plusieurs milliers. Les lignes leur servent de camouflage contre les lions qui n'arrivent pas a les distinguer lorsqu'ils sont tous ensemble. C'est mon nouvel animal fetiche, je pense.

Zebras are my new love. They are so smart that they won't let anybody ride them. Love their pride and free spirit. Their stripes serve as a camouflage against the lions who get confused and can't quiet distinguish them from each other.

Video Link  Click for Video - 171 K  Video Link

Amphibious Mammal

L'animal le plus dangereux d'AFrique, aime se la couler douce dans le lit d'une riviere afin de proteger sa peau du soleil. Ils mangent durant la nuit des kilos et des kilos d'herbage. Ils ne semblent par remarquer le presence de crocodiles qui n'ont pas le courage d'attaquer les bebes hippos par crainte de se faire tuer en retour.

The most dangerous african animal likes to spend all day in rivers. The water protects their skin from the sun and they barely notice the crocodiles who do their best to avoid them. They eat all night, kilos and kilos of grass and they don't like to be bothered by curious tourist during their favorite activity; eating.

Video Link  Click for Video - 352 K  Video Link

Attention Danger

Christopher n'a pas semble remarquer que le hippo lui exprimait son mecontentement. Lorsqu'ils ouvrent la bouche de cette facon, c'est qu'ils s'appretent a attaquer a moins que la victime ne decide de se retirer avant. Je n'arrivais pas a me decider entre marcher seule parmi les crocodile ou risquer me faire attaque par les crocodiles en compagnie de CHristopher.

Wylie didn't seem to notice the signs of attack the hippo was displaying as he was capturing these scenes. When they have their mouh wide opened is a sure sign that they feel uncomfortable with our presence. I couldn't work out in my mind what was worst between walking alone amongst crocodiles or risking a hippo attack with company.

Warthog / Sanglier

Voici donc l'animal dont Christopher porte fierement la dent a son coup.

There is the famous animal, which Wylie has been proudly wearing a tooth from.

Homeland / Transkei
Safari 2
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  South Africa - Intro Average Rating of 2 Viewers
Chapters of South Africa
  Homelands / Ciskei
  Homeland / Transkei
  Safari 1
  Safari 2
  The Haves and Have Nots


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