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Moscow and St. Petersburg

Exhibition of Economic Achievement

Moscow - Russia

Monument to Space Program. 100 meters high.

This massive complex hosts over 80 pavilions spread over 570 acres.

Ce geant complexe est compose de 80 pavillons etales sur plus de 570 hectares.

It was originally intended to showcase the fruits of the socialist state. From toasters to cars to agricultural produce.

Ce site avait pour but d’exposer les fruits du regime sovietique. On y trouvait de tout, des avances de la technologie spatiale jusqu’aux plus recents progres agraires.

Now only the main buildings contain items, mostly of western origin.

Aujourd’hui, le tout tombe en ruines et sert de marche pour les produits de l’Ouest.

The pavilions along the back avenues have long since been abandoned.

Les pavillons d’arriere-plan ont ete abandonne depuis longtemps.

This Theater is for the Birds

The buildings are deserted and in disrepair.

Occasional cafes have set up shop in some, like outposts of civilization. Conversation and the rattle of plates boom around the near empty halls.

Un cafe ice et la rappelle un passe glorieux.

St. Petersburg
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  Moscow and St. Petersburg - Intro Average Rating of 3 Viewers
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  Exhibition of Economic Achievement
  St. Petersburg
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