Iza Valley
Brandy Alert!
Une seconde attaque par un couple age qui voulait partager leur brandy aux prunes. Cette fois-ci nous avons du accepter car leur offre comprenait un repas de nouilles faites maison. Ils font tous eux-memes et bien qu'ils paraissent pauvres a premiere vue, ils me semblent si riches culturellement. D'ailleurs, c'est le seul endroit ou les gens ne se sont jamais plainds de vouloir quitter leur pays pour un aller vivre ailleurs. We were attacked with a bottle of plum brandy by yet another elderly couple. This time we accepted greatly their offer since it came with a great meal. They make everything from scratch around here, noodles, pastries, clothing and tools. They may appear poor at first glance but i believe them to be so rich culturally and so knowledgable. In fact it was the only place where nobody complained that they wanted to leave their country for a better place to live.
Quelques Izaiennes
Voici deux voisines qui m'ont semble tres familiaires l'une avec l'autre. Les femmes du Maramures portent toutes(jeunes ou vieilles) cette jupe un peu bouffante aux hanche et qui tombe a la hauteur des genoux, c'est beau.
La mode squelletique n'a pas encore penetre ce recoin du monde, je m'y suis donc sentit mieux. Les femmes ont plutot tendance a etre un peu costaude et bien nourries etant donne le travail physique epuisant auquel elles s'adonnent. These two were just so close to one another. They acted like family even thought they were only neighbours. I love the way all women(from young to old) wear the same style of skirt that falls down to their knees. I also adore the fact that the "skinny women" fashion has not yet entered their kingdom.
Warm and Frothy
Cheers to Heather Groberg
En peu de lait frais de la chevre qui appartient a nos hotes. Quand on se fait offrir du lait ici ce n'est pas du frigo qu'il vient. When i was offered this great goat milk, I thought of my friend Heather Groberg who first introduced me to organic food. Cheers to her.
Good Morning
Here's what breakfast often looked like. Deep fried squash, eggplant spread, compote and tea of coffee. It was great and we had good appetites. Usually during the day we would only have light snacks. Notice the bottle of brandy on the far left end of the table. Sure enough, as soon as we finished the meal our hosts tried to pour a few shots down our gullets. They would look so hurt if you turned them down.