Gypsy Journal - Search for Journals Wylie and Helene

Yurt Erection - Part 1

Kol-Ukuk , Kochkor - Kyrgyzstan

Helene and I had the pleasure and honor in helping to erect a yurt. Its old location had become muddy due to the rains and so a new spot was chosen about 100 meters away. The various parts and pieces were moved by foot and horseback.

Helene et moi avons eu le plaisir et l’honneur d’aider a monter une yurt. Ses habitants etaient devenus tout trempes et on donc du demenager le tout d’une trentaine de metres. Les diverses pieces ont ete demenagees a dos de cheval ou d’homme. Les femmes ont trouve le nouvel emplacement et deplie une espece de cloture faite de minces batons qui forment les murs.

The women chose the new setting and unfolded lattice fences, which formed the walls. To complete the circle, a tab and slot door frame was assembled and fitted in.

The roof of the yurt is composed of a central sky light ring and numerous poles that radiate out from the ring at downward angle.

Le plafond de la yurt est compose d’un anneau central qui sert de fenetre. Plusieurs batons rouges irradient de l’anneau et viennent s’attacher sur la cloture maintenue en place par les femmes. Le centre du plafond forme de six batons courbes est devenu le symbole de la nation et on le retrouve meme sur le drapeau Kyrgyze.

To register the ring with the poles and the poles with the walls required much jostling and budging. This is the most time consuming part of the yurt‘s construction for two reasons: nothing lines up the first time and everyone seems to have a different opinion on how to fix things. Invariably the poor soul chosen to hold up the center ring gets knocked on the head countless times as the poles are first too tight then too loose and fall down onto his head. A hat is recommended.

The ends of the poles are attached to the top of the lattice fence with horsehair rope.

Pour bien fixer le tout, ca prend beaucoup de patience car les batons ont tendance a tombes jusqu’a ce que la structure soit bien en place. Dans notre cas, il y avait trop de boss et pas assez de travailleurs. Chacun avait son opinion.

The central roof ring is a cherished symbol of the Kyrgyz people and is the symbol on their national flag.

Hikes around Kol-Ukuk
Yurt Erection - Part 2
  Wylie and Helene - List of Journals
  Kyrgyzstan - Intro Average Rating of 29 Viewers
Chapters of Kyrgyzstan
  Tosh Bulak
  Goat's Head Soup
  Shepherd's Life
  Hikes around Kol-Ukuk
  Yurt Erection - Part 1
  Yurt Erection - Part 2
  The Story of Kymys
  Vitaly Gergert
  In Memory of The Cold War
  Torugart Pass
  Kingdom Come
  Closing Thoughts


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