
¤ A Postcard Journey
I have always liked to look at photographs and dream.
I've been travelling since I was 3 weeks old and have lived in over 30 places. I want to be on the go, dream big and enjoy the journey... |

Well, this journal is for my friends home. If they want to know what's going on with me while I'm on my exchange, they can go here. |

25 year old grad student, now in US, loves trying out different new things, specially when travelling. |

ashok odedra
hello my name is ashok,I am single man,living in india,my city name is porbandar[mahtma Gandhi birthplaces. |

Ben Morris
I have two sisters, one of whom is a singer and the other is a dance teacher. I couldn't compete with this so I went travelling and began to write about my experiences. Turns out I'm not much of a writer either. |

I enjoy travel, running, and other sports. I want to run across thailand from Bangkok to Lop Buri and I want to run from my work in North Carolina to see my Grandparents in Florida!!! |

Bud Tourist Mannequin
I am a tourist and a mannequin. I have traveled a lot. I've been from Alaska to Africa; Stonehenge to San Francisco |

Callan Bentley
I'm a graduate student in Washington, DC studying structural geology and tectonics. |

Catherine Leslie-Faye
I am a 45 year old woman of Sinti ancestry married to a 65 year old Rom... We currently live in down town Portland Oregon with our cat Minky, but will be moving soon. |

Chad Moody
My Name Is Chad Aka Amile Cortez. I Travel Alot To Ohio And Ga. I Am A Student And Im Always Tired. Dont I Sound Like A Teen? Well In My Journal You'll Find Out What "Hell" Is...... |

Chak Leung
Born Cina. Lives H.K. 9 yrs Arizona US. BS.&BA., UofAZ. Exellent mandarin, cantonese and english. Now loves & understands nature and outdoor sports, specially MTB and mountain climbing. Science oriented and solitary. Late 20s. |

Charlotte Morris
Originally from Lincoln, went to Uni at Oxford Brookes where I read Anthropology. Then to London to work for 2 years the escaped to Egypt where i am now guiding trips for an Adventure Travel Company. |

cyberian gypsy
Indian deeply engrossed in spirituality and overflowing with the bliss of his guru |

Dan Heller
I am a freelance travel photographer. I shoot travel photography for companies that operate outdoor adventure travel around the world. My images are used in their catalogs, but I also sell photography as artwork. |

David Renwick
I rent a room in a house on 5 acres outside of Boulder Colorado. It's the perfect place to remind me to get out and enjoy the spectacular country that surrounds me. Come along for the ride... |

DJ Holbrook
I do Tech Support for computers, network, and the clients that buy software and information databases from the company I work for. |

El barbas ?
firstly what a question : country of origin for gypsies!?
any way I am a proud born gypsy and live, think, talk, walk and dress like one! play music and sing cante puro! OLE' "VIVA LOS GITANOS" Gitano is gypsy in spanish. keep in touch :) |

Erin Jessome
My husband is working overseas a month in and a month out. Since we came from a remote location because of work there was no reason for us to stay there. The question was WHERE DO WE GO? I opted for Gypsy. |

Frank Jude
I'm a retired sixth form teacher, writer, traveller and am particularly interested in Russsia. I've camped in Malaysia and New Zealand, as well as Lake Baikal, the subject of my article. This article replaces an almost identical one posted in 2003. |

Frank Jude
I'm a freelance proof-reader, translator, teacher, speak Russian, French and some German, love conservation, reading, writing (have translated the entire poems of Tyutchev, Russian, 1803-73), travel - in fact pretty well anything. |

An independent nature, a curious soul, and a desire for new adventures. Currently en route to Australia for three months. |

Gary and Sarah Girotti/Jones
Gary and Sarah are on the adventure of a lifetime!! Abandoning reality and abdicating responsibility, they are strapping packs on their backs and heading to the exotic lands of Southeast Asia and South America... |

george willis
I firmly believe that traveling is one of the best things anyone can do. It gives you a better understanding of other people and cultures, making you more open to differences, as opposed to seeing differences as something 'bad'. |

globe trotter
im a english gypsy staying at darlinton at the moment. im also a born again cristian. i love seeing diferent parts of the world.i was born in doncaster.lived there for 11 years |

Habeeb Salloum
Habeeb Salloum is a Canadian author and freelance writer specializing in Canadian, Arab and Latin- American history, travel and the culinary arts. |

Hafeez Malik
I am a retired Development Banking Specialist now whiling my time in teaching and travelling. I am married with childern (all grown up and settled in other countries. Presently, I am living at Karachi, Pakistan with wife.

Heidi Reimer
I am a 25-year old writer, traveler, maker of music, liver of life. |

Helene Belanger
I'm a little gypsy, a little bull and very much Québécoise. Currently I am on a world trip with my husband. We are keeping our new Journals under Wylie and Helene |

Iselda Acosta
Iselda Acosta currently resides in Eugene, OR, where she and hubby Robert Beal take advantage of the many backpacking and snowshoeing opportunities the area has to offer. |

James Waldron
After years of mis-spent youth, I quit a promising job, packed my bag with a digital camera and a plane ticket, and left for a year-long around-the-world trip. Along the way I photographed everything with the demented mind of a graphic designer. |

Jason and Dana Kunzman
We were married on October 17, 1999 and decided that the only opportunity we would have to travel the world for an extended period of time IS NOW!!!!!! |

Jen and Dan
Jen and I are both 20 something, fun loving individuals that live and work in the booming metropolis of Toronto. Jen is a human resources expert and I do marketing for packaged goods. We both love to travel. |

Joe and Anne Cooper
Going from working hard to hardly working.
On the road of life these two have decided to listen to the preverbial 'turn off here' and get back to nature in the mountains of Nepal and the waters of Australia. |

Jolie Muren & Ned McDaniel
Ned - Traveling usually feels good to me even in the bad times. Give me the quandry of the y in a new road rather than the security of the beaten path to my place of labor.
Jolie - Seekor of anything new or different. |

Joseph M.
26 years old, male, white, single, American, tall, thin, dark hair, cute, artistic, educated, liberal, shy. My hobbies include songwriting and watching the Simpsons. I speak French well but very little Spanish. |

Jules Tracey
A filmmaker. Been to Nepal, Oman, Thailand, France, Ireland, Greece, USA, Bermuda, Andorra, Qatar, |

K C George
I am 55 and live in India. Alone. I plan to restart my magazine for women (www.thekeralitelady.com). I hope to separate sense from nonsense for my readers. Otherwise, I work with a Leica M7 and a Canon G3. {www.leica-gallery.net/india)

Kaitlyn Adams
*Kaitlyn* Im A Very Smart girl, with lots of excitment in my life,Im Still in HS,I LuV Chilen w/ mah ppl,*POTHEAD*,I LuV To Party N Get Trashed,I Go Shopping ya know jus workng mah style up,*GuYz RoCk MaH BoAt*,....N Im From B-More. |

Kali Rose
I'm Kali and this is my life. In this journal you will get a taste of my world, what i'm about, where i've been, where i'm going, and who i really am. I'd love to hear from you so don't hesitate to drop me a line in my viewers comments. Much Luv-KaLi |

Karen G
I've travelled fairly widely over the last decade or so. This journey on the Trans Siberian Railway is one that I have always wanted to do - and when it came up in conversation one evening I decided to take the opportunity and go for it. |

Kathleen McDonald
I live in Idaho with my two daughters and I like to stroll along the river or in the hills and look at flowers and birds. I also like to grow plants, read, listen to music and dance. |

Kevin Rosso De Forio
My vocation is international travel and I persue the art of the guitarist who plays Flemenco style. |

Kirsten K. Kester
Travelling with my boyfriend, Dieter. Have been doing it on -and off since 1991. I'm born with a physical disability and I'm in a wheelchair. I think it's wonderful to discover and learn about other countries -So I love to travel! |

kirsty ford
hiya im kirsty im wicked blue eyes nd brown hair |

krisitn Valta
I am a young, traveler who has not yet made it out of Mexico or the states. I am hoping to gain more knowledge of the rest of this beautiful world. |

Kristen Hall
I am a female that is 16 years old and I live in Virginia Beach. |

Lee Mercer
I love travelling in the remote deserts, canyons and mountain ranges of the American west. I look for areas that have escaped the pincer grip of my kind. |

I'm a travelling kiwi currently nesting in Brazil. My partner and I run two websites. One is full of photos and travel stories www.babylontravel.net ; the other is mostly full of photos of the Brazilian rave scene and related arts www.raveon.com.br |

Hi! I'm Sally, born, raised and living in the USA, but, after 5 trips to Macedonia my Macedonian friends call me "pola Makedonka." I hope you enjoy your visit to my Macedonian Journal as much as I enjoy my visits to Macedonia! |

mark davis
my question to my friends-"Is that thing you are about to buy going to help you get more free?" I try to be an example of rigorous use of this question. |

Marty Watson
I was born in 1957, married forever, 2 teenaged sons. FL native, but we have a 2nd home in NC and a summer timeshare on Cocoa Beach, FL. I work for a travel agency and take a lot of cruises. I love to camp and have a tent and a popup. |

matt salleh
I'm a school teacher, writer, mountain biker, naturalist, poet, and a few other things I can't remember right now. But I've been called worse. |

Matthew Cicsfore
Hi, I'm 19 years old, I spend my time travelling broke and living off my own abilities...I'm following my roots, I am a Gypsy and I wouldn't trade it for anything. |

Melissa Davenport
24year old seeker. Been in England for 2 1/2 years. Working as a nanny in and out of London. Short detour on the way , September in Ecuador - Macuipucuna - volunteering for an ecological project.

Michaela sims
Not a gypsy, but a very dear friend was. I am open to discussion. :) |

Micheline Bélanger
Je suis la femme d`Astérix et la belle soeur d`Obélix. Je me suis mariée le 3 Juillet 1999 au plus bel homme du Québec. |

Michelle Nelson
I'm 3rd Generation of mixed Norweign, German, and English. I also have a daughter whom moves/travels wherever I go. Right now we are residing in Seattle/WA/USA. Our next stop will be Fes, Morocco; in the summer of 2006. |

I am going to be 25 years old on March 27, 2004. Thai people believe that turning 25 is a bad luck, so let's see what I will face or what I will do to avoid or prevent bad things coming into my life... |

Neil and Robin
Newlywed nomads wandering the earth in search of adventure...
Click HERE to see more wedding pics... |

Nicole Marie
I'll wander hither and thither until I find whatever it is I am supposed to find. |

Noelle Melanson
I am in my final year of Law school at Florida State University-Go Seminoles! I love to travel and will basically go anywhere, anytime. This adventure is to visit my brother in Hong Kong for Christmas but we are also planning a detour to Thailand... |

Notes from the Field
"Notes from the Field" provides frequent updates and pictures from our biologists and students who are working in the field or at our headquarters, The World Center for Birds of Prey. |

Ola Meredith Jedryznski
Running away with the circus can't be that bad. It's coming back fat with no teeth that people make fun of you for. |

Patti Redd
One who doesn't mind being down to my last $10.00 bill in a foreign country, will spend that last bill on a great dinner with drinks, and worry about tomorrow when it comes (and everything always, always turns out great!). |

Penny Rance
Hiya, I'm a girly from South East England, new to the adventures of travelling, but loving it and hoping to be off somewhere new soon.

Rachel T.
My husband and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary with a trip to Europe. I have a degree in communication and the arts. My hobbies are reading, travelling, music, art, movies, and tennis. |

I am a 20-something newlywed who has just moved to Mexico after living apart from her husband the first 10 months of their marriage (see, that is why I am still definitely a newlywed!) The little girl is my 4 yr-old neice whom I love and miss tons. |

Richard & Maggie Walsh
Richard & Maggie work for Heart of Hope facilitating funding and surgery for little children with cardiac disease. They travel extensively through Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. |

richie melanie chloe williams hyers jesse
we are a triad of gypsies travelling from oregon to central america. organic farming and volunteering is our bag and toes in the sand and language acquisition is our game.

Robert Beal
I was, until his death on the Fourth of July 2002, for 17 years a friend and hiking partner to Lee Mercer (ecozoic.org) with whom I shared, in his words, "a burning passion for remote wilderness that evolved over many years between two people." |

Russ Woolsey
A wolf of sorts. Enjoy Mountains, good beer and good conversation. Have a weakness for good stories, hot springs, ground breaking inovation and adventure. |

Russ Woolsey
I consider myself to be a chump kite boarder -- I hope to graduate to chump with style soon. I think that style is on my horizon, now that I have one of those fancy new chicken loops and safety leashes from slingshot. Thanks Wyman! |

Sean Hickey
Composer and writer, residing in Brooklyn, New York. |

Sharon McRae
I love to travel to strange places. Everyone thinks I'm nuts to have taken my kids to India and Nepal, maybe they're right! My motto: The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page. |

Shelley Seale
I am a freelance writer, currently working on a book about orphans and vulnerable children in India. I began traveling to India with The Miracle Foundation (www.miraclefoundation.org) in 2005 to work with children in orphanages there. |

Steve Holcroft
Better to live for one day as a Tiger than for a thousand years as a lamb. |

Tamie Poepping
Tamie's round-the-world travels. My adventures began on 30 Nov 2004 when I finished my previous job in Edinburgh, Scotland. |

Thomas E. King
Thomas E. King is a professional travel photojournalist based in Sydney, Australia. He is the Executive Editor of Media East, a 30 year old editorial agency specialising in providing commissioned features on travel destinations and golf venues. |

Just a free spirit traveling through life with my husband and son. Our next destination is still in our minds and has yet to be determined. Our home is the open road that takes us no where in particular. |

"Where are Janet and Rick" is a question that can be answered in so many ways. Here's just one of many stories.... |

william connors
Works at club med cancun as food and beverage manager. He loves sports,travel, and languages. |

Wood Family
Hi, we are the Wood family from Hood River, Oregon. We are currently traveling in New Zealand. We enjoy the outdoors, hiking, fishing and meeting new people. |

Wylie and Helene
We are both very fond of other cultures. We like the people, the food and their customs. The more remote the better. |

My soul is filled with wanderlust. I have two passions - roaming the earth and writing. A tattoo of the centre of the Aztec Sun on my back enhances my spirituality & love of Mexico. I'll travel till I die - it's what keeps me alive. |

zulfija riza
zdravo svima, just another gypsey woman living thousands of miles away from my home land and hoping that i can keep in touch with other romas from around the worl |
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