Biography and List of Journals
I was, until his death on the Fourth of July 2002, for 17 years a friend and hiking partner to Lee Mercer ( with whom I shared, in his words, "a burning passion for remote wilderness that evolved over many years between two people."
Here are our different Journals...
Dear Harriet and Edgar, here, with love, are photographs of our farewell to your son in keeping with his wishes to rest, with his most loyal dog Maggie, in the wilderness he most loved (and wrote about in "Hiking Wyoming's Teton and Washakie Wilderness
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Almost as an afterthought, I dipped into the cargo box of backcountry maps, grabbed the Big Bend bag, and threw it in the luggage for our Thanksgiving 2004 visit to "Villa Acosta" in Terlingua, Texas—the family home of my wife Iselda.
Our first stop
After a 3-day backpack in The Enchantments with two friends, I did a 10-day solo in another part of the southeastern area of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.
The ALW comprises a series of mountain ranges on both sides of the Cascade divide. This story
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