Biography and List of Journals
We were married on October 17, 1999 and decided that the only opportunity we would have to travel the world for an extended period of time IS NOW!!!!!!
Here are our different Journals...
This journal will contain tales regarding our leaving the United States and our adventures in England.
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The question now is how to balance work and play??!!
Beach Bound
2 Mar 2000
30 Apr 2000

Last Updated
28 May 2000
Just when we thought all was well in Switzerland, all of the signs pointed in a different direction. We finally took the advice of some friends and headed for the beach.
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Sally and Lisa put us on our bus to Seville for what we hoped would be a memorable adventure in Morocco. As we pulled away, my teary eyes blurred my excitement for one of our true first bits of world travel.
2 weeks with mom (Nancy) making our way south from Madrid to Granada and back north to Barcelona was exhausting and rewarding all at the same time. Certainly a highlight of our trip!!
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Road Trip
24 May 2000
2 Jun 2000

Last Updated
21 Jun 2000
From Barcelona we planned on making our way to Prague with a short layover in Frankfurt, Germany to visit friends we had met while working in Portugal. Our recent string of bad luck followed us though, and we got much more than we bargained for.
Although our primary interest in this region of the world was our Jewish heritage, we were pleasantly surprised by the beauty and charm Prague, Krakow, and Budapest had to offer in the post-cold war era.
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12 Jun 2000
22 Jun 2000

Last Updated
1 Jul 2000
Expecting to find similar conditions to Morocco, Dana and I were surprised to find a thriving, somewhat modern culture with many hiden treasures.
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