Many fantastic colors of Bali
Tuesday - 10 Nov 1998
We are half-way through the trip now, in Bali, Indonesia. It's a delightful island filled with gentle Hindu people and overly persuasive salespeople. Every day the natives create little offering baskets of flowers, rice, incense, and holy water, then spread them around to different gods. Today, we enjoyed the honor of attending their biggest ceremony of the year (about equal to our Christmas). What a trip, lots of colors, flowers and beautiful people. - Jolie
When you order juice in Bali, say mango. They cut-up a bunch of mango, blend it to a slurry, and serve it up with a touch of ice. Same goes with all the foods. We've traveled up to a high-mountain village on a crater lake. The hot springs there were very dirty as it was the local bathing pool. After riding, we'll go to a holy water hot-springs near a Buddhist temple. Tomorrow, we're scheduled to go diving off a reef in the national park. It's supposed to be very beautiful. Then we head back down to Kuta, then onto an island called Nusa Lembokan with few people and hopefully good surf. The rainy season has seriously begun now and we have to plan our trips between rain showers. - Ned