Wylie and Helene Canyonlands National Park |
The Big Hike
Day Break
The day started out innocently enough. Rosy fingered dawn coaxed us from our sleeping bags. A gentle wind blew most of the gnats away.
Destiny Calls
Little did we realize that in a few short hours we would embark on an 8 mile hike. Battling the desert sun, treacherous trails and platoons of highly regimented gnats along the way.
We will hike up a side canyon of the main point. It is at the far end on the right side.
Lunch Time
There was a refreshing wind at this shady little overfall. We enjoyed onion bagels, canned salmon and a few carrots.
The March Resumes
We reach the side canyon and begin to snake up a narrow trail that clings to the side of the canyon walls.
This bridge was made by the Murphy brothers in 1917 so they could move their cattle between upper and lower pastures.
Brad and David wind up the canyon wall.
The Summit
After four hot miles, we make it to the top.
Back at Camp
At the end of the day. At the end of our enthusiasm. And at the end of our water!