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Wylie and Helene
Lesotho - the Mountain Kingdom

What Goes Up...

Moteng Pass - Lesotho

The Mighty Taba Huulow

Our next stop was Moteng Lodge. It is located on the northern end of the Drakensberg, just west of Moteng Pass. Just outside the lodge stood Taba Huulow. It towered 1000 meters above us and had a gentle shoulder that rolled like a verdant green carpet right down to the lodge.

Nous avons continue notre route au travers des montagnes vers Moteng Pass. Des vues a vous couper le souffle et Taba Huulow nous y ont acceuilli. Taba Huulow, un sommet couvert de tapis de velours vert invite au pietillement.

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Taba What?

The day was warm with a few clouds. With water and food for the day, we set out to explore the surrounding Lesotho villages and head up Taba Huulow for some views over the valley.

Lors de notre ascente, on a rencontre des villageois qui nous ont gentiement montre le sentier a suivre au travers de quelques villages Lesothiens.

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We were soon surrounded by a pack of a dozen girls aged 6 to 12. They were dressed in rags and some were without blouses. They ran along side of us and showed us the short cuts up the mountain. They sang some great polyphonic songs. They all sang in key and with good rhythm.

Notre presence ne fut pas sans remouds et rapidement on s'est retrouve entoures d'une vraie troupe de jeunes filles agees entre 5 et 14 ans. Elles chantaient toutes en harmonie et dansaient avec rythme tout en marchant vers le sommet.

About half way up we met a meak herd boy. He seemed very shy and didn't say a word. He let Helene take a few pictures and seemed pretty friendly. Most herd boys are rented out by their families as early as the age of 5. Around 15 the payment goes directly to them, but they now have no skills for any other occupation and end up roaming the hills till the day they die. Many of the villagers are a bit spooked by these guys and half the prison population in Lesotho is made up of herders.

A moitie chemin, on a rencontre ce jeune berger plutot timide mais tout de meme enclin a la photographie. La plupart des bergers se font vendre a partir de l'age de cinq ans et le fruit de leurs laveurs revient a leur parents. Une fois qu'ils atteignent l'age de quinze ans, ils recoivent leur salaire directement, mais sans education ils n'ont de choix que de poursuivre ce metier jusqu'a ce que mort s'en suive. Ce qui survient souvent a un jeune age du a la ferocite de l'environnement dans lequel ils vivent.

We are Star Dust, We are Golden

This round rock hut has a timber and thatch roof. In the center was a small fire ring. On either side were sleeping mats. A few simple items were chinked into the rocks. A very spartan life for these kids.

La majorite des villageaois se montre mefiante d'un berger d'age adulte car ils ont tendance a etre violents et sans education. Plus de la moitie de la population des prisons du pays est formee de bergers...

Must Come Down
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  Lesotho - the Mountain Kingdom - Intro Average Rating of 2 Viewers
Chapters of Lesotho - the Mountain Kingdom
  Sani Pass
  What Goes Up...
  Must Come Down


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